How to use the Renov8 Your Lifestyle 5-day challenge to achieve and sustain your goals in the simplest, most effective way possible…

Empower yourself and successfully transform your lifestyle one habit at a time!

Challenge Begins Monday, March 7, 2022

July 23, 2022
9:15pm TZ

Customized For You

Setting yourself up for success is critical and I know how to do just that! I've been helping clients create a lifelong healthy lifestyle for over 15 years. But this challenge is NOT a cookie-cutter program:

  • Choose 1 lifestyle habit to CRUSH in 5 days
  • Personal program customized to the habit you choose
  • Daily personalized emails from me, Coach Heather Binns
  • Live online Q&A in our Facebook group

Only you know which habit will have the biggest impact on achieving your health & wellness goals long term - YOU ARE IN CONTROL!


Live Online Coaching

I will go live every single day of the challenge to motivate you, support you, and to answer any questions you have regarding your new lifestyle change!

  • Expert coaching live online, via email, and in our supportive Facebook community
  • Live online fitness coaching sessions for all levels PLUS home workouts you can do on your own time (if applicable to your habit of choice)
  • Replays available of live Q&A sessions during the challenge :)


Challenge starts on Monday, March 7th!

Heather Binns

Health & Fitness Strategist

Renov8 Fitness, LLC

Heather is on a mission to inspire one million people to shatter self-imposed glass ceilings and find their athlete within! With over 16 years of knowledge and experience, and the owner of Renov8 Fitness in Southern California, she offers transformational fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle programs customized to your goals and unique biology.

Renov8 Your Lifestyle

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